Developer Notes:
Please understand the negative ratings and comments we received. Because JIBAS CBE is not a Game, Media or other Entertainment application. It's just a School Exam application that some users may not be interested in.
We have tested the application and we always improve its features and convenience of use.
If there are connection problems or test errors, please contact the school authorities. We only make the application, while the infrastructure and exams are prepared by schools that use this application.
For complete information, please visit http://www.jibas.net
Thank You,
Computer-based exam application that is integrated with the JIBAS School Information System. Make it easy for Teachers and Schools to carry out various types of exams, such as Student Daily Tests, Final Semester Exams, TRY OUT, UNBK Training, Teacher Certification Exams
Fast & Accurate • Exam scores can be obtained quickly & accurately after the exam is completed
Paperless & Economical • Computer-Based Exams can save on the cost of administering exams by minimizing paper usage
JIBAS Academic Integration • JIBAS CBE exam results can be stored as grades in JIBAS Academic so that they can be included in report card calculations